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The small church in Maine by Pastor Michael Glidden


I found my experience at Bangor Theological Seminary from 1992-1995 to be a profound experience. BTS emphasized the small rural/town ministry in the State of Maine. I can remember taking a course about Maine ministry. Maine has a different dynamic than other areas from autonomy, self-reliance, resilience, and a hard shelled pragmatic (get er’ done spirit!). As you can see, the CCC/Me is composed of nearly 90 percent small/ town churches here in Maine. This is our mission! In my 30 years of pastoring, nothing beats the feel of a small rural church with around 15 members in a small little chapel. Programs aren’t the focus! Relationships are highly valued and prioritized! My prayer is that the CCC/Me can be an umbrella for many small churches in Maine that are looking for a home.

With that, welcome home!


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