
Congregational Christian Council of Maine Bylaws
Article I Name
The name of this organization shall be the Congregational Christian Council of Maine a/k/a Maine Council, and CCC/ME.
Article II Purpose
​The Congregational Way affirms Faith, Freedom, and Fellowship among the churches as central to the proper exercise of religion. The purpose of this Council shall be to provide an opportunity for Fellowship among the member churches and act as a resource for Congregational Christian Churches in Maine. Fellowship is defined as: (1) The Maine Council gathered as an Ecclesiastical Council at the request of a local Church to provide advice on matters defined in such a call, and; (2) The Maine Council gathered in regular meetings as defined hereinafter to conduct such business as is necessary to fulfill this Article and allow the opportunity for the free sharing of ideas, presentation of speakers for the edification of the member churches, and the general enhancing of spiritual bonds among the member churches to assist them in their local proclamation and witness of God. Any purpose or activity not expressly defined in these by-laws is reserved to the local Churches.
Article III Covenant
Affirming God's Love. Sustained by God's power. Guided by God's Word, We covenant to be a fellowship of Christ's people in the world ‑‑‑ healers, reconcilers, agents of peace ‑‑‑ the Lord's free people, gathered in the Lord's name, bound in love one to another. (Adapted from the covenant affirmed by the Maine Council in session May 7, 1988 and amended April 29, 1995)
Article IV Membership & Voting
1. This Council shall be composed of churches, and clergy of the Congregational order and polity, that system of church organization which recognizes the autonomy of the local church in all matters temporal and spiritual.
2. A Congregational Christian Church shall be defined as a body of Christians complete under God in spiritual authority and ecclesiastical power, regularly meeting and worshiping in one place, united by a mutually owned covenant, and recognized by the laws of the place and location as a duly constituted church.
3. Any Congregational Christian Church within the State of Maine may become a member of the Council by action of its own membership taken at a duly called and held meeting of such church, which action shall then be certified and communicated to the Scribe of the Council. Following this certification the Church shall become a member of the Council upon approval of the Council in meeting.
4. Membership may be withdrawn by any member church by action of its own membership in a duly called and held meeting and certification of such action communicated to the Scribe of the Council.
5. The voting membership of the Council in meeting shall consist of not more than three authorized delegates from each member church.
Article V Officers
The officers of the Council shall be the Moderator, Vice Moderator, Scribe, Treasurer, Ambassador(s) and a Youth Program Coordinator. He/she shall have an expense allowance as determined by the Council and administered by the Executive Committee. Expenses shall include postage and telephone calls, and travel to Board Meetings, including gasoline, tolls, motel accommodations and meals. He/she shall present a report at the Annual Meeting of the Council.
Article VI Executive Committee
The management and daily business of this Council shall be vested in an Executive Committee consisting of the above officers who shall serve as the corporate trustees of the Council. The Executive Committee is directed by the member churches to implement decisions and policies established by the Council.
The Executive Committee shall meet regularly to conduct Council business. Five members shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings may be called at ten days notice by the Moderator or by three voting members of the Committee.
Article VII Duties of Office
1. Moderator. The Moderator shall preside at all meetings of the Council and the Executive Committee. He/she shall coordinate the activities and responsibilities of the Executive Committee, and shall perform any other duties appertaining to his/her office.
2. Vice Moderator. The Vice Moderator shall serve as Moderator in the absence of the elected official. He/she shall work closely with the Moderator in fulfillment of the duties of that office. He/she shall coordinate publicity of all Council activities, and perform any other duties appertaining to his\her office. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Moderator, the Vice Moderator shall immediately succeed to that office for the remainder of the unexpired term.
3. Scribe. The Scribe shall maintain the records, minutes, and correspondence of the Council and the Executive Committee, shall send out calls to meetings and perform any other duties appertaining to his\her office. He/she shall present a report at the Annual Meeting of the Council.
4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for receiving holding, and distributing all monies of the Council and its subsidiary organizations, and shall keep accurate records thereof. He/she shall present a report at the Annual Meeting of the Council. The Council may at its discretion designate assistant treasurers who shall be responsible to the Council Treasurer.
5. Ambassador(s). The Ambassador(s) shall serve in cooperation with the Executive Committee as liaison, official representative and formal designee between the Council, its member churches, and such other religious bodies and institutions as the Council deems appropriate. The Ambassador(s) may lend such advice and counsel as may be sought by member and non‑member churches and clergy, within the parameters set forth in Article II of the Council By‑ Laws.
6. Youth Program Coordinator - The Youth Program Coordinator shall be responsible for implementing Summer Camp and other youth programming deemed appropriate by the Council or Executive Committee. The Youth Program Coordinator shall be eligible for a $500.00 stipend.
Article VIII Committees & Organizations
The committees and organizations of this Council shall include a Nominating Committee and any ad hoc committees the Council may appoint from time to time.
1. Nominating Committee. At the Fall Meeting each year, a Nominating Committee shall be elected by the Maine Council. They shall prepare a slate of nominees for vacant positions and present that slate at the next Annual Meeting of the Maine Council. With that presentation, the Nominating Committee is disbanded. In the absence of this Committee the Executive Committee shall act in its stead.
Article IX Elections & Appointments
1. a. Elections of Officers. The Officers of the Council shall be nominated and elected at the Annual Meeting and shall perform such duties as herein described for the elected term of two years.
b. In the event of unforeseen circumstances such as foul weather, pandemics, or other catastrophic events which preclude us meeting at scheduled time, the elected officers will remain in their positions until such time as we are able to meet for nominations/elections.
2. Election of Committees. Committee members shall be elected for three year terms.
3. Filling of Vacancies. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to fill vacancies in office and committees in the event of unexpired terms (the office of Moderator excepted).
Article X Meetings & Quorum
1. Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting of the Council shall be held on the last Saturday of April, or at such other time as shall be determined by the Executive Committee, to receive reports, elect or appoint officers, and transact such other business as may come before the meeting.
2. Fall Meeting. The Fall Meeting of the Council shall be held annually on the last Saturday in October, or at such other time as shall be determined by the Executive Committee, to receive reports, transact business and be in fellowship with one another.
3. Special Meetings. A special meeting of the Council may be held as the Executive Committee may determine, or as requested by a member church.
4. Notice of Meetings. Notice of all Council meetings shall be issued by the Scribe and shall be sent to the Pastor and Clerk of each member church. Notice shall be issued no less than fourteen nor later than thirty days prior to the meeting in question.
5. Place, Agenda, Program. The Executive Committee shall meet to determine the place, agenda, program, and other details of meetings. The Committee may, at its discretion, provide additional time in connection with Annual and\or Fall Meetings for non‑business matters such as addresses, seminars, gatherings for fellowship, etc., but all formal business at said meetings shall be transacted only on the dates specified in Paragraph 1 and 2 of this Article. The agenda for a special meeting shall be determined by the party or parties requesting such a meeting.
6. Quorum. Delegates representing one‑fourth of the member churches shall constitute a quorum at all Council meetings. Except as hereinafter stated in Articles XIII of these By Laws, a majority vote of all members of the Council who are present shall be decisive, and written ballots shall not be necessary unless required be a majority in a particular meeting.
Article XI Procedure
All procedures and functions of this Council and its Officers and Committees shall conform to the requirements of law and equity in the State of Maine. The parliamentary authority shall be the rules contained in "Robert's Rules of Order Revised' in all cases in which they are not inconsistent with the by‑laws of the Council.
Article XII Dissolution of the Maine Council
Upon the dissolution of this Council, all properties of the corporation, from whatever sources arising, shall be distributed to the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches of the United States (located in Oak Creek, Wisconsin and exempt from tax by virtue of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended, or to its successor organization(s)).
Article XIII Amendments
​These by‑laws may be amended by a two‑thirds majority vote at any regular Council meeting if the substance of the proposed amendment has been given in the notice thereof.
Article XIV
Article XV
Adopted & Amendment Dates
Adopted May 22, 1958
Amended October 7, 1972
Article VII approved and included May 7, 1988
Amended October 13, 1990
Amended October 12, 1991
Clarified October 23, 1993
Reviewed and Approved May 5, 1984
Amended October 29, 1994
Amended April 29, 1995
Amended October 26, 1996
Amended April 25, 1998
Amended April 24, 2004
Amended October 30, 2004
Amended October 27, 2012
Amended April 23, 2022